Be A Volunteer

We need you.

Why apply the program?

Community engagement encompasses a range of services and activities that include elements of community building, education, and mobilization, and focus on getting more community members involved in preventing domestic violence and supporting safe and equitable relationships. All take into account the needs, cultural histories, and practices of the communities for which they are designed. Services commonly offered by most community-based advocacy programs include but are not limited to:

  • Safety planning, including discussion of options for safety at home, at work, in transit, for Internet and phone use, and safety for children. Safety is a key focus of all the programs.
  • “Advocacy based counseling”, as well as advocacy and support for any relevant issue identified by the survivor, provided in-person or by phone.
  • Assisting survivors in finding shelter, transitional and long-term housing.
  • Emergency assistance, including help with emergency taxi vouchers, motel vouchers, food, clothing, rental assistance, and other urgent needs.
  • Support groups, which may be structured or unstructured.
  • Assistance with life skills such as banking, transportation, acculturation issues, and others.
  • Providing service in the client’s own language, through interpreters and/or through bi-or multi-lingual staff.
  • Assistance with referrals to healthcare, mental health, and chemical dependency services, when needed.
  • Legal advocacy, including providing information about the court system, explaining legal options, accompanying clients to court for civil, criminal and immigration matters, and making referrals to legal service agencies.
  • Support for parenting, including assistance with childcare, school enrollment, referrals to healthcare and mental health services for children.
  • Supportive services for children of program participants.

Volunteer Opportunities

Events such as: Gala, Survivor’s Retreat, and Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Office Assistance

Crisis Center

Housing Assistance

How To Apply?

Step 1:

View all current volunteer opportunities by reading the position descriptions to determine your area of interest."

Step 2:

Complete the appropriate Pre-screening Volunteer Interest (PVI) Form online then hit the submit button when completed."

Step 3:

The Volunteer Coordinator will review your PVI Form and accept or deny your request to volunteer. You should receive a response within 3 business days after you submit it. If your PVI Form is denied we will contact you to let you know the reason for denial."

Step 4:

If your PVI Form is accepted, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you and schedule an interview time to meet with you."

Step 5:

If the position you are interested in requires a Background Check, you will be asked to submit a copy of your current driver’s license or photo ID when completing the Volunteer Application Form."

Step 6:

After the interview, the Volunteer Coordinator may accept or deny your application to volunteer. You should receive a response within 3 business days after your interview. If your application is denied we will contact you to let you know the reason for denial."

Step 7:

If your application is accepted, the Volunteer Coordinator will either ask you to complete the online Volunteer Orientation Training or attend an in- house Volunteer Orientation Training at the Vioces Against Violence office."

Step 8:

Upon completion of the Volunteer Orientation Training, the Volunteer Coordinator will send you confirmation of your start date, volunteer schedule and job description."